Victorian Joinery works Uses Ezi-Duct Modular Steel Ducting and Ezi-Flex Flexible Ducting for new timber wide belt sanding machine

Ezi-Duct recently supplied to a Melbourne based Joinery works a custom manufactured Ducting Manifold, Ezi-Duct Modular Steel Ducting and Ezi-Flex top quality Polyurethane FlexibleDucting for his new wide belt sander. The new Ezi-Duct ducting was connected to the existing dust collection system. The customer was very happy with all of Ezi-Duct's products supplied for the job and with Ezi-Duct’s customer service.
Ezi-Duct is the official Australian agent for Norres of Germany and carries it top quality flexible ducting products ex-stock in its branches in Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane. Ezi-Duct carries a huge range of flexible ducting for almost any application.
The range of Ezi-Duct steel ducting is also huge and includes 4 types of ducting clamps, 8 types of ducting dampers, ducting transitions, branch & Y pieces, hangingbrackets, weather discharge cowls plus many more ducting products.
Ezi-Duct Modular Steel Ducting simply clamps together saving its customers money by cutting down on installation time and features smooth bore pressed bends for improved airflow.
The Ezi-Duct ducting range comes standard in corrosion resistant galvanised steel and is also available in 304 or 316 Stainless Steel material and in heavy wall, fullywelded ducting. Unlike its competitors Ezi-Duct is an Australian Manufacturer and manufactures its Modular Steel Ducting in its modern factory located in Auburn NSW.
Ezi-Duct is Australia’s leading supplier of Dust Collection Equipment that includes a huge range of Dust Collectors, Modular Ducting, Flexible Ducting, Fume Arms Fans,Spray Booths + much more. We have branches in Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane that carry a large amount of products ex stock.
Ezi-Duct is a proud Australian Manufacturer and proudly displays the AustralianMade logo.
June 2015