Schools, Tafe Colleges and Universities

Over the last 20 years Ezi-Duct has carried out hundreds of projects in Schools, TAFE Colleges , Universities, Welding Schools, Men's Sheds and other Training facilities suppling its Dust Collection & Fume Extraction equipment for air filtration.
Our products are energy efficient, easy to operate and provide exceptional performance.
Ezi-Ducts products are designed and manufactured with decades of industry experience. Ezi-Duct and its associated company Polex Environmental Engineering employ many qualified Australian engineers & trades people to ensure our equipment is the best available.
In our 20th year of trading we are very proud to be Australia's leading & largest company in the field of Dust Collection and Fume Extraction equipment.
When dealing direct with the designer & manufacture our clients also enjoy large savings buying the best value equipment for money on the market.
We have the best air filtration equipment available for the following applications
Saw Duct Extraction Systems
All our Dust Collectors offer fully automatic self cleaning filter bags made from top quality filter medium. The Dust Collectors can be placed out doors or can be disassembled to fit into small plant rooms. We also manufacture modular ducting with the best airflow on the market. It can also be pulled apart if blocked.
All other components required are also supplied by us including top quality PU flexible ducting and we can fabricate any hoods that are required for the machines connections.
Ezi-Duct offers the total solution.

Welding and other Fume Extraction
We offer several types of Ezi-Arm Fume arms, 3 models of eMission Control portable extraction units . We also offer fixed fume extraction systems & self cleaning filtration systems.

Vehicle Exhaust Hose Reels
We offer a range of electric vehicle hose reels and carry the replacement high temperature crush proof flexible ducting

Laboratory Fume and Dust extraction
We carry a range of equipment and manufacture scrubbers for harmful & corrosive fume

Laboratory of NSW University left, Soil Testing Laboratory right
Energy Saving Features

Eco Gate (electric Shut off Gate)

VSD (Controls Power Energy usage of the fan)

High Efficiency Fan (40 - 50% more suction for the same power usage)