Energy efficient Reverse Pulse Dust Collection System installed at Central Coast Door Manufacture

Daorah Painted Finishes is an Australian manufacturer of top quality doors & kitchens. When theypurchased a new CNC Wide Belt Sander they needed to upgrade their Dust Collection System in theirCentral Coast Factory. As the Dust Collector was collecting extremely fine dust from sanding onpainted finishes a reverse pulse Dust Collector was needed. The very fine dust from their sanderwould load the bags on a normal dust collector very quickly and the systems efficiency will be greatlydiminished so Ezi-Duct supplied a Polex 30.0 kW MDC 2400P Reverse Pulse Dust Collector thatautomatically continually cleans its 100 filter bags when the unit is operating. This ensure that the DustCollector is operating at or near to 100% efficiency all the time.
Other equipment connected to the new Dust Collector System was their CNC Point to Point Router,Edge Bander, Panel Saw & several other machines.
The Polex 30.0 kW MDC 2400P was also supplied with a Polex Variable speed Drive Controller orVSD. The VSD is supplied with a pressure transducer that will sense and automatically turn thepower consumption of the fan motor down when one or more of the machines is not in use. Thisequates to big savings on power consumption
Another great feature of the new Dust Collector is that dust is deposited directly into a 3 m3 rubbish binvia an airlock Rotary Valve. This equates to big savings on labour costs as there is no need to switchthe dust collection unit off and shut down the factory when emptying the bin. The operatorsimply turns the Rotary Valve off ( not the Dust Collector ) & back on when the bin is emptied .
Daorah Painted Finishes is very happy with the performance of the unit, the ducting & the service theyreceived from Ezi-Duct and Polex Environmental Engineering.
Ezi-Duct is Australians leading supplier of Dust Collection Equipment that includes a huge range ofDust Collectors, Modular Ducting, Flexible Ducting, Fume Arms Fans, Spray Booths + much more. Wehave branches in Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane that carry a large amount of products ex stock.
August 2013