Ezi-Duct Modular Ductig used for HVAC system in Fiberglass Factory Located in Melbourne
Ezi-Duct supplied its 80 mm dia. Australian made Modular steel ducting and Fittings + its Ezi-Flex high quality flexible ducting for a high vacuum dust collection system. It was used for dust extractionon hand tools in a Melbourne based manufacture that uses fiberglass and other composite materialsin its production process. As Ezi-Duct Ducting simply clips together using Aussie made Ezi-Ductducting clamps the installation was EZI and done in much less time that conventional ducting savingbig $$$$ on labour costs. The customer was very happy with the installation and the overallperformance of the system. Ezi-Duct Modular Ducting is carried ex-stock in Ezi-Ducts 3 branches inMelbourne, Sydney & Brisbane along with 1000's of other Ezi-Duct's Dust Collection & FumeCollection products. Ezi-Duct is Australia's leading company in Dust & Fume Collection andmechanical ventilation equipment & manufactures the majority of its products in Australia. Ezi-Ductmanufactures Australia's largest range Dust Collectors, Fume Extractors, Fume Arms, Filters, RotaryValves and Cyclones. Ezi-Duct is also the Australian agent for Norres the worlds highest qualityflexible ducting manufacture.
August 2014