Ezi-Duct at the 2014 AWISA Exhibition Brisbane Exhibition center

Ezi-Duct had a very successful time at this years AWISA Exhibition. Displayed on the Ezi-Duct / Polexstand was a MDC1800S Dust Collector, an eCono 6000HRV Dust Collector, an eCono3000 DustCollector, an eMission Control unit and an Ezi-Fume unit. Also the range of quality Modular Ducting,Flexible Ducting , Rotary Valves and other equipment. Ezi-Duct is a 100% Australian company thatmanufactures the majority of its products in Australia. With branches in 3 states and the largest productrange available Ezi-Duct is Australia’s leader in Dust Collection Equipment.

As always Ezi-Duct and Polex provided Dust Collectors, Modular Ducting and Flexible Ducting to manyof our customers stands at the AWISA exhibition including a MDC 1200 S to Woodtron custom paintedin their companies colours. ( above left)

Wayne Dockrill M/D of Ezi-Duct has attended all the AWISA shows since its start at the YennoraWoodsheds back in 1988. To put a bit of fun into this years AWISA show he hired a professionalAustralian performer to entertain the visitors at the end of each day.Dave Stone played twice at the Ezi-Duct / Polex stand , the Altendorf stand and the Woodtron Stand tothe delight of many visitors. Dave is a fantastic artist who played at the Australian pavilion at the last 2world expo’s in Japan & China and is one of the countries best slide / roots blues guitarists.
September 2014