Straight Duct

Ezi-Duct manufactures a large and varied range of Straight Ducting in galvanised, mild and stainless steel.

We carry ex-stock galvanised steel Straights in lengths of 500mm, 1000mm and 2000mm.

Duct comes delivered with Ezi-Duct ends for quick assembly using Ezi-Duct Clamps.

Ezi-Duct uses AUSTRALIAN STEEL produced by B.H.P.

Straight Duct Table

Buy Australian Manufactured Goods

If we as a nation will not support our local manufactures then the Australian manufacturing industry will be doomed. Australia will loose 1000's of skilled jobs such as tradesman and engineers.And as Australian Manufactuerers it would be hypocritical for us not to buy Australian. We must support one another to ensure our survival.